For He taught His disciples and said to
them, “The Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands
of men, and they will kill Him. And after He is killed, He will rise the third day.” But
they did not understand this saying and were afraid to ask Him. –
Mark 9:31-32
In my mind I kept wondering what that was. Was it a fault code from bad air in the
room? We were working with a mainframe
at the time – one just a few weeks shy of using punch cards. “Air message” he would say and regardless of
what the remaining part of the sentence was – I stopped at those two
Finally, we got a break, and I asked another lady
who was attending what “air message” was.
She laughed hard! Who knew that
no further than from Cadiz to Evansville I’d run into a change in dialect. While
I heard “air message” the speaker was saying “error message”. I felt like a bubble headed ninny! But –
because I asked – I got a lot out of the rest of the lecture.
Jesus’ disciples understood Jesus’ words.
Dialect was not their problem. I
think it was because of their pride they didn’t ask more questions about Jesus’
statement that He would die and be raised again on the third day.
Mark wrote “they were afraid to ask Him”. Keep in
mind, Jesus had just overheard them
trying to figure out who would be greatest as they walked through Galilee. He had also just healed a boy from lifelong
demon oppression – when they couldn’t. No doubt their thoughts were the same as mine
when OI didn’t want to ask, “what’s an air message?” – but should have – and would
have understood more.
Sometimes we go through trials in our lives and
we just don’t understand why. Was it
something we did, something we said? Are we being punished by God? Is there something we’re supposed to learn
from it?
God welcomes all questions, and in His time
reveals all answers. Friends, it’s not
like He doesn’t know our every thought! Never
be afraid to just ask. I’ve heard people say, “knowledge is power”, but
honestly, knowledge is peace. It will uncloud your heart and head so you can
move forward.