When Your Mouth Gets Your Butt in Trouble
the king was exceedingly sorry; yet,
because of the oaths and because of those who sat with him, he did not want to
refuse her.” – Mark 6:26
When my daughter Gabby was little she would
often ask for things she would see in TV commercials. For nearly every toy commercial on a Saturday
mornings I would hear “Mom, can I have
that?” and answer a quick “OK!” I would give “OK” as an answer knowing that five minutes later she wouldn’t
remember asking for the pet monkey or whatever it was she had just seen on TV. But she caught on to my quick answers. She started following my answer with and
outstretched little finger and “Pinky
Oh, the dreaded pinky promise! When pinkies lock in a sacred oath of life, you
must forego all retreat from your given answer!
Your words are written in stone! You
can’t break a pinky promise! The outcome
is wailing and sobbing, and cries of “But….you
pinky promised!” from a broken heart that no longer believes your word! I quickly learned after one too many broken
pinky promises and sobs to stop making promises.
In Matthew 5:33-37 Jesus taught that we shouldn’t make
promises to each other, but just keep our word.
He said not to swear by anything on earth, in Heaven, or on your own head
[life], but “let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and
your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”
Anything more than ‘yes’ or ‘no’ gives Satan, the evil one, an opportunity to
use your mouth to get your butt in trouble.
The easiest way to dent your character is to break your promise. You become instantly untrustworthy. But if you simply give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’
answer, and mean what you say, you keep yourself from trouble.
In Mark 6:14-29 we are told of how King Herod allowed his
words to become his enemy and even bind his actions against what he knew to be
right. Herod thought highly of John the
Baptist, and knew he was a holy man, and “when
he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.”(Mark 6:20). But when John preached that it was not right
of Herod to marry his brother Philip’s wife, Herodias, his wife, got
angry. In fact, she became murderously
angry and wanted to kill John! So to
save John from his wife, and to appease her, Herod put John in prison.
That could have been the end of the story. John could have stayed in prison till he
died, or Herod released him after Herodias’ anger subsided. But Herod let his own words write the rest of
the story.
It was Herod’s birthday and he was having a fine time. Eating and drinking and having a good time,
Herodias’ daughter came to dance for the King.
Oh, he could have simply said “Thank
you”. He could have given her gold
or silver, or some other thing to show his appreciation. But no! Herod made an oath. He promised her “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.” And if that
wasn’t enough, he swears to her in front of all who are there, “Whatever you ask me, I will give you, up to
half my kingdom.”
“Up to half my kingdom”
was the rights of her mother Herodias as the queen, and the young girl seems to
have recognized that. So she went to her
mother and asked “What shall I ask?” Oh, Herodias’ evil heart was still enraged at
John, and saw this as a way to get exactly what she wanted! She sent her daughter back to the king saying
“I want you to give me at once the head
of John the Baptist on a platter.”
He didn’t want to do it. He had great respect for John the Baptist. He knew John was a holy man. But as we are told in Mark 6:26 “yet, because of the oaths and because of
those who sat with him, he did not want to refuse her.” He sent the executioner, had John beheaded,
and his head brought to the girl who gave it to her mother, Herodias. From the simple desire to reward a girl for
dancing at his birthday party, Herod’s words caused him to become the murderer
of John the Baptist. His words trapped
him into doing things his heart never wanted to do.
Many things can happen that cause you to break your
promise. Plans change, circumstances
change, even the ability to keep the promise changes. And when we break a promise the first thing
we say is, “I’ll make it up to you”
which is nothing more than another opportunity to disappoint. We often hear “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” But the truth is we don’t
know the future so we don’t know if we can keep any of them. Guard your words, and mean what you say. Don’t make promises. They are traps that lead to dishonesty.