Spiritual Maturity
elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the
sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving
as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly,[a] not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as
being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will
receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.” – 1 Peter 5:1-4
The term “elder” is often misunderstood
because the word used throughout the Bible can have two different
meanings. One use is in the title of an
office of the church, and one describes those who are spiritually mature. Since the office of elder is also to be held
by one who is spiritually mature, the difference is slight, but important to
note none the less. In 1 Peter 5, the
term is used in contrast to youth, referring to spiritual maturity.
You can be a spiritual elder and be in your
teens, middle-aged, or even in your senior years. Spiritual maturity is not bound by the number
of years you’ve walked this earth. And
unfortunately, neither is spiritual youth.
You can be young in the faith and be even in the final years of a long
life. Which of these you are, elder or
youth, depends somewhat on the company of believers you keep. In some churches you may be an elder, more
established in your faith and walk with God than the majority. In others, where the membership is strong in
its faith and running the course of sanctification, you might find yourself a
Peter speaks first to the spiritual elders
and commands them to “shepherd the flock
of God”. Because you have been given
much (wisdom, knowledge of God’s word, faith, grace, etc…), more is required of
you (Luke 12:48). But the manner in
which you lead is to be as Christ led.
Peter says it should not be “by
compulsion, but willingly”, meaning you don’t proclaim yourself lord over
the weaker Christian’s life, and condemn every wrong deed with chastisement. You live in such a way that your mere
presence would compel them to walk closer to Christ. Oliver Goldsmith once said “You can preach a better sermon with your
life than with your lips.” Lead by example.
Peter also says that spiritual leadership
by the elders should not be done for “dishonest
gain”. There are many ways in which “dishonest gain” can be interpreted, but
two come to mind.
First, there are those that minister as a
profession, namely pastors, music directors, and other church leadership
positions. Some will move from church to
church for greater wages. Frankly, these
folks are not worshiping God as much as they are worshipping George Washington
and Benjamin Franklin, the money in their pockets. Their leadership can be
toxic to the growth of a Christian, being based on “what can you do for me” rather than “what can I do for Christ”.
The second dishonest gain is a tricky one, self-pride. It’s tricky because as a leader, you want the
respect and following of your flock. You
want their admiration, and you enjoy their accolades of your leadership and
your knowledge of God’s word and God’s will.
This is when self-pride can then enter.
Though this may be seen as gain while it is being received, in fact, it
is loss. It is the loss of grace, because
God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5). We need God’s grace much more than we need
the approval of our flock.
Humility is such a welcoming spirit, and
pride is so offending. To be able to
lead by example, there should be no pride involved. Be so very careful as to whom your flock worships,
continually directing them to love God with all their heart, mind, and soul. When your flock grows closer to you than to
God, you are no longer leading in the right manner. Satan sets you up for a fall, and when you
fall, the flock stumbles with you. Humble
yourself before God. Share the chinks in your armor openly, lest you be put on
the throne of their hearts.
To those that are spiritually mature and do
perform acts of leadership as elders, Peter says in 1 Peter 5:4 that when
Christ returns, “you will receive the
crown of glory that does not fade away.”
All service to God is rewarded either here or eternally, and pride is its
own reward (Matthew 6:1-4).
Peter goes on to talk to the youth, the
lessor in spiritual maturity. He instructs
us to “submit to your elders” and to
be “clothed in humility” so that we
can receive the grace of God which is given to the humble. He tells us to “humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you
in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for
He cares for you.” Humbling yourself under God’s hand is accepting His plan
for your life.
Life as a Christian should not be a
tug-of-war contest between your will and God’s will. How far does either one holding the rope advance
when in a tug-of-war contest? Not at all until someone gives in! Well, guess what! God is not going to give
in! “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it
until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). You may
stand your unholy ground for a great long time, as the writer did, but
eventually, you will lose (which is gain),
and God will reign over your life. The
sooner you give in, the faster the inner struggle you feel will leave, and the
faster the elder in you will arise.
There is an unseen battle for the Christian
to fight. It is the battle for your life,
and the way you live it. Peter says in 1
Peter 5:8 of your adversary that “devil
walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour”. Make no mistake – seen or unseen – he is
after you! In those times when the
temptation is in front of you and no one is watching…he whispers in your ear “no one will know”. In those times when Sunday morning is damp
and cold, and your bed so warm and cozy, he whispers “you can stay home”. In those
moments when all hell has broken lose in your life he shouts at your very core “Give up! God is not on your side!” But be very sure that as easy as it seems to
give in to the smallest temptation, that is where “devour” begins. Little by
little, you lose ground in your pursuit of holiness through sanctification. You turn, and run away from the goal. Saved you may be, but your sanctification
causes Satan great problems in that you advance in rank in the spiritual war he
wages. He is after YOU.
In “The
Art of War”, Chinese warrior Sun Tzu says that the first thing an officer
must do before going into battle is to know the enemy, and second is to know yourself.
He says that “if you know your enemy and
know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." But he warns, "If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained
you will also suffer a defeat."
It’s not enough to understand our own
weaknesses and where the chinks in our spiritual armor lie. We also must understand Satan, as our enemy, and
know the power we have over him.
Understanding the ways in which the enemy choses to defeat you becomes
the source of battle plans. Yes…plans. A goal is not a goal without a plan. Without a plan, a goal is merely a wish. Satan has crafted a battle plan for you. You must create a plan of attack for him. Don’t
wait for the attack – move forward, advance!
Establish yourself in Christ by reading God’s
word. Eat the bread of life daily, and
strengthen yourself in Him. When Jesus,
our example of all Holiness, did battle with Satan on the mountain, He used one
weapon: God’s Word (Matthew 4:1-11).
Satan, the father of lies, can stand no ground when presented with God’s
Truth. If you want to win your battles,
you must be armed with the weapon that the enemy cannot overcome.
Yes, it all sounds like Christian
rhetoric! Lest you believe it is all
hype and fancy words, consider some examples from the life of the writer, given
with sincere praise to God.
When faced with breast cancer in December
of 2007, diagnosed with a lump, and appointments made with a surgeon, one word
of God reigned supreme over the situation: “by
His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). As the blood of Christ covers me for
righteousness, so His stripes have healed me.
Isaiah 58:6-9 explains the power of fasting over sickness, and says “your healing shall spring forth speedily”. James 5:14-15 says “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church,
and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of
faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has
committed sins, he will be forgiven.“ The scheduled appointment with the surgeon was
not kept because the lump disappeared.
The mammogram showed nothing. The
lump was gone. No x-ray was needed. God’s promises are true, and He gave victory
for the sole purpose of bringing glory to Himself. Every time I comb my hair, I have to thank
Him for ending that battle.
After years of taking a pill for depression,
a Christian elder was placed in my path that had overcome the same drug, simply
put them down, and walked away in the power of God. Romans 2: 11 says, “For there is no respect of persons
with God.” What He will do for one of His children - He will do for
all. Claiming that and fighting the
battle that Satan surely waged with situations that should have overwhelmed me,
I’ve not taken those pills in over 3 years now, and I never will again. The joy of my salvation is more than a happy
pill can afford me.
Years ago after an encounter with one of Satan’s own in a violent
mugging, I was plagued with fear that crippled my life. I didn’t go where I pleased, would tremble at
the thought of walking through a parking lot.
I would often have to have someone enter my house before me so that I
could go in. I would wake in the night
and lay awake in fear for hours at the smallest sound. I carried a gun
everywhere I went for over 4 years fearing that it would happen again. God gave me His righteous right hand through
that battle with Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am
with you; be not dismayed, for I am
your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with
My righteous right hand.” I no longer tremble in
fear, unless He gives me fear as a warning.
If God is for us, who can be against us?
Did He not create the evil as well as the good? All answer to Him, and He protects His
children with a great army.
His righteous right hand is there for you
too. Whatever battle you face, whatever
enemy lurks for you, God has given you a weapon fashioned specifically for that
battle in His Word. Eat it daily, for it
is you DAILY bread. It is portioned out
to you for each day. Each meal is
sweeter than the last, and each day you will find strength in it. You will gain victory in every battle when
you use the weapon the enemy cannot overcome.
Small victories. That’s how we grow spiritually mature. We don’t grow overnight after having read God’s
word cover to cover. We grow step by
step, one battle at a time. We live in
the example of our elders. We submit to
God’s will for our life. We take in God’s
word. We apply it to our lives and our
faith. We fight until the battle is won.
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