My 10-year-old daughter, Gabriella, recently wrote a poem called “What Chicken Little Might Have Said”:
It’s falling, it’s falling
The whole earth is falling.
In a few minutes, you will be crawling.
It’s falling, it’s falling,
The blue skies and clouds are falling.
Com’on you guys, there’s no time for stalling!
It’s falling, it’s falling,
You will be balling!
In minutes, in seconds, you will be balling!
Chicken Little was a worrier. He took a small thing - getting hit on the head - and grew it into something much worse. Before long he had everyone shook up, stirred up, and all in distress!
We often do the same thing. We look at a large stack of bills and we look at our check stubs, and we start to worry. We hear our child cough in the night, and start to worry about how we’ll be able to take them to the doctor when we’re working full time. We see a low tire and worry that it might have a leak. We have cross words with our spouse and we begin to worry that they don’t love us any more. We take the smallest things, and make them into incredibly terrible situations.
Why do we do this? We lose focus. It’s impossible to worry when you’re focusing on what Jesus wrote in Matthew 6:32, “For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” Matthew 7:11 also tells us that God, our Father, gives good gifts to His children. None of our problems take Father God by surprise. If we can continue to focus on that knowledge while dealing with our problems, we won’t become a Chicken Little! Look up when your problems come! Trust God with your circumstances. He is faithful, He is always on the job, and he will not forsake you.