"Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you
who are spiritual restore such a one IN A SPIRIT OF GENTLENESS, considering
yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear
one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something,
when he is nothing, he deceives himself." - Galatians 6:1-3
We have become Christian by-standers, watching as others
fall into sin and the consequences of sin.
We say that we're "not supposed to judge" and let that being
our excuse to not get involved, to not come to the aid of our brother and
sister when they are struggling. But
that is not the way a body, the body of Christ, connected by love, is to
We have made the problems of others common
entertainment. "Did you hear about
sister so-in-so?" "You'll never believe what I heard about brother
....." "I cannot believe they've allowed their lives to get into such
a mess!" Maybe its time to stop
running our mouths, and check back in as a member of the body again. In the Body of Christ, there "should be
no schism in the body" (1 Corinthians 12:25), no division. If you find that members of that body are
struggling - check yourself. Spiritually,
you're struggling too. The body does not
grow sick in a single member. If we live
out the love of Christ, being ONE as He prayed for us to be, we would all live
in His Power. We cannot look at the
problems of one as if that member of the body could be amputated and the Body
of Christ become whole again. We are all
connected, all given a purpose. If one
member suffers, all the members suffer with them (1 Corinthians 12:26).
When we see someone struggling, "overtaken in any
trespass", we are to step in and "restore" them, helping them
come back to the previous state. Those
living with addictions are to be broken from the bondage they are under. Those suffering physical/verbal/mental abuse
are to be restored to power and removed from abusive relationships. Those suffering from rejection are to be
loved. Those suffering from financial
failure are to be made prosperous. Those
dealing with depression are to be restored to joy. When we see any issue that is overtaking
them, reducing their effectiveness and power in the body, we MUST step in! Brothers and Sisters, if your own body were
having an ailment in one of it's members, you would rush to the doctor to be
restored. The body of Christ should
receive the same urgent care when one of its members is struggling.
I've often heard this verse read with a warning
"considering yourself lest you also be tempted". If you are walking in the Spirit, living out
the life of Christ, why are you afraid of the temptation of sin? Christ ate with sinners, touched leapers,
befriended a prostitute. The problem is
not their sin, but your own disobedience and lack of confidence in the Spirit
if you have to protect yourself from another member of the body. Strengthen yourself, for the body must be
made stronger.
Lastly, we are warned not to place ourselves on a pedestal,
feeling as if we are above their problems.
If anyone thinks he is something, the truth is he is nothing but
deceived. "But for the grace of
God, there go I" should be the only words uttered out of our mouths
regarding the problems and obstacles of another in comparison to ourselves. Gods grace, His mercy, and His blessings are
all that separate us from the same painful problems.
God never called anyone to be a by-stander. If we live out our calling, which is to love
each other as we love ourselves, we cannot be a by-stander.
Spoken in love, with a broken heart for the suffering
members of our body.
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