Saturday, November 14, 2015

Copy and Paste This

“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” – Matthew 10:32-33

There seems to be a lot of concern regarding denying Christ before men.  In the past week or so I’ve been asked to “copy and paste” some sort of status regarding this many times.  I’m just going to be very blunt when I tell you I will NEVER copy and paste any guilt trip to prove my love for Christ.  If you don’t see it in my life, then I’ve failed.  If my life does not prove I am his, then I have denied him.
These verses mean so much more than stating that you are believers in Christ.  It’s so much more than the act of posting a status.  People watch your life – not your Facebook status. 

In the preceding verses of Matthew 10 Jesus explains what it means to deny Him.  He tells his disciples “whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light” and “whatever you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops”.  What Jesus is telling them is to ‘be my voice’.  He taught them well, and He needed them to be bold enough to preach. 
In the days of Christ’s ministry on earth the person who explained the Hebrew laws would always have an interpreter present.  He would whisper into the ear of the interpreter his words, and then the interpreter would speak them to the crowd.  We have a spiritual ear, an ear of the soul.  God’s word tells us that He speaks in a “still small voice”, a whisper (1 Kings 9:12).  He speaks to our very heart through His Holy Spirit.  When we do not share what God has given us in those times, then we deny Christ our voice.

He has asked us to speak it on the housetops.  In those days house tops were flat with a banister around them.  If you wanted to proclaim news to the public, that was your stage.  When Sabbath was to be honored by the Jews, there would be six trumpet sounds from the housetop to instruct them when to quit work in the fields and in the cities, and when to light the Sabbath candle.  The housetops were used to convey messages to large numbers of people throughout the Bible.  I cannot think of a better place to speak what God has given you than on your social media pages where you will reach thousands.  But, your life must speak the same message.  It is with your life, your day to day actions, the words that come from your mouth (even when you are angry), that you proclaim that you belong to Christ or deny Him. 

Nobody needs a watered down weak Christian.  We are called to be BOLD in our faith (Ephesians 3:12, 2 Corinthians 3:12, 2 Timothy 1:6-7, Ephesians 6:19).  If the only time you talk about your love for God and your faith is inside your church, you need to find your boldness.  It’s the people outside church doors that crave and need a relationship with God. 
So speak what He tells you to speak.  Be Christ’s voice in this world in your words and your actions.  Otherwise, you are denying Him.  God doesn’t need secret agents.




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