This Day
When my son Lev was a little boy around 3 or 4 he had a hard
time comprehending time. The same day
was good explained as “in a little while”, or “after supper”, but when it came
to events in the future, he couldn’t grasp the amount of time until then. I would say things like “tomorrow we are
going to see MeMaw” and he would say with excitement “This day!!!” I can still hear the way his voice would sound
when he said it and see how his eyes would light up. I’d then have to explain it as “no, one more
sleep, and then we go”. He lived in the
NOW. He had no cares, no plans that he
himself made, no concerns of what was next, and he was happy.
When Jesus was showing the disciples how to pray in Matthew
6, He instructed them to pray “Give us
THIS DAY our daily bread.” He didn’t
tell them to pray “...and every day after
that” or “…and enough that I can
retire”. THIS day. Just one day at a time.
God can be trusted with our future. It’s not ours to worry about. He still has our time in His hands. We need to learn to trust Him for THIS
day. Living with your mind on the future
will cause you to miss the present, and worry over the future will spoil and
rot the days away. THIS day is a gift to
be enjoyed, even more so because it is the Sabbath day.
When God fed the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness,
manna would fall from Heaven six days a week.
On the Sabbath day, no bread would fall from Heaven. But on the sixth day
twice as much would fall from Heaven so that He provided for the Sabbath a day
When they gathered bread, they were instructed to take
enough for only that day. If they took
more than they needed and tried to hoard it away, it would stink and be filled
with worms. But on the sixth day, they
were instructed to gather enough for two days.
And that bread, on the seventh day, would not stink or be filled with
worms. Even in the wilderness, God was
teaching them to take a day to rest, and trust Him with their future needs. But some of them just couldn’t stop
gathering. We’re not much different
In Exodus 16:27-30 we read, “Now it happened that some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather,
but they found none. And the Lord said to Moses, “How long do you refuse to keep My commandments and My
laws? See! For the Lord has given you the Sabbath; therefore He gives you on the sixth day
bread for two days. Let every man remain in his place; let no man go out of his
place on the seventh day.” So the people rested on
the seventh day.”
Every day for 40 years God did as He
promised and fed them, and gave them an example of resting on the Sabbath. God didn’t need rest, but He knew we did. Don’t let His example go unnoticed.
THIS day…rest. Take off your watch. Stop worrying over the week to come and years
to come. Those have yet to be given to
you. Today, just rest.
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