The Trap of Things
“Take care, and be on
your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the
abundance of his possessions.” - Luke
Let’s be real. We all
like nice things. Sometimes they’re not
even expensive things, but just things that we feel we must have. My weakness is sea shells, and I’ve literally
got boxes and tall vases of them stored away.
Another one for me has been a set of cobalt glassware made by Anchor
Hocking decades ago that has sailboats on it.
I don’t know why, but once I had just one piece, I felt like I had to
have the whole set!
For some of us, it’s shoes.
They come in so many styles and colors we just feel we need one pair to
match everything in our closet. And then,
there are the clothes in the closet too.
We need something new for every occasion. And don’t forget the jewelry! Earrings, necklaces, purses, scarfs, and on
and on until the closet looks like a fashion runway was deconstructed in the
corner of the room!
But having things isn’t the problem. It’s the root of the issue that is the
problem. Luke 12:15 says “Take
care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not
consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Luke isn’t
saying “be on your guard against spending
too much money on things”. He says
to be on your guard against covetousness.
is a sin of the heart where we let things become so important that we chase
after them. We allow them to occupy our
focus in our free time, and consume us.
Some think this word only means looking at what others have and wanting
it, and yes, that is coveting as well.
But stores having what we want, or beaches being filled with what we
want, is coveting as well. The things
are not the sin – the position we give them in our heart is the sin.
Gideon, the
great warrior of Israel, created one of these traps that all of Israel fell
into. After winning the war against the
Midianites all of Israel wanted him to be their leader, and he refused and
stated that the Lord God would be their leader instead. But strangely enough, Gideon then requested that
all the golden earrings that had been plundered from the Midianites be brought
to him. There must have been thousands
because Gideon used it to make an ephod, which was a vest with precious stones
that was worn by a priest over his robe.
That doesn’t sound like a bad thing until you go back in history and see
what happened every single time these people melted down gold. From each time they did it, an idol was
formed. And even this time, when it was
a symbol of worship, Judges 8:27 says that “Israel played the harlot with it there. It became a
snare to Gideon and to his house.”
It’s a sad story, don’t you think? This mighty warrior of God used the victories
of the battle God allowed him to win to create a trap that entangled all his
people. As Israel worshipped this ephod they
forgot all about Gideon and how the Lord delivered them. Judges 8:34-35 says they “did not remember the Lord their God, who had delivered
them from the hands of all their enemies on every side; nor did they show kindness to the house of Jerubbaal (Gideon)
in accordance with the good he had done for Israel”.
This is the trapping of things. We each have a throne in our hearts. It’s that spot we hold sacred, reserved for what
we love most. When what we love becomes
things, God is kicked off the throne, and we stop focusing on His will for our
lives and His goals for us, and we start chasing after the things. In Matthew 6:19-21 Jesus gives us the warning
not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and
where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in
heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in
and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Treasure here for a moment, or eternal
treasure. That’s the choice we have to
In a world
that is completely materialistic, so many will judge you by the car you drive,
the house you live in, the shoes you wear, and so forth. But if you allow their judgments over you to
determine how you live, they become your master, and you become their slave. Be careful of the trap of things and don’t
allow them to become your god. Only God
Almighty should be allowed in your heart’s throne room.
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