desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and
his lips from speaking deceit;” – 1 Peter 3:10
Honesty is one of the most misunderstood
virtues. It has been diluted down by our
moral fiber to simply mean not lying. Even
to lower the severity of lying itself, we have given our lies a ‘color’. We value a ‘white lie’ as not as bad as regular
But is that all honesty really is? NO. Before I start to explain what honesty really
is, I’m just going to confess up front, I have not always been honest with
everyone. I’ve never claimed to be
perfect, but I do know the One who is.
But it’s time we, myself included, took being honest seriously, so that
we can be found trustworthy as Disciples of Christ.
Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 2:3-4
regarding what he has taught the Thessalonian Church, “For our exhortation [speech] did not come from error or uncleanness,
nor was it in deceit. But as we have been approved by God to be
entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who
tests our hearts.“ We are called to
continually speak and live with the intention to please God and not man. If we cannot be found trustworthy through our
honest speech, honest dealings, and honest actions, then who should believe us
when we tell them about our risen savior that they have never seen? A nonbeliever must trust first in the person
delivering the message of Christ before they can trust in Christ himself. If you cannot be known for being honest,
there will be a problem in delivering the Gospel of Christ and the plan of
salvation, which is our ultimate purpose in serving God.
If you look up honesty in the dictionary,
you find it means much more than not telling a lie. It means being honorable in your principles,
your intentions, your actions, and being upright and fair. It also means being sincere, frank, genuine,
and unadulterated. It is the freedom
from deceit and fraud. But the moral
decay we live in has smoothed the rough edges of honesty to be something easier
to achieve. But that does not change
what it is in God’s eyes, and it is Him we live to please.
Probably the one question most often given
a lie in response is “Does this dress
make my butt look big?” or variations of it. Husbands and friends are often put on the
spot with this question. If I can offer
a suggestion, even throw you a rope to get you out of this predicament, preface
your answer with “Don’t ask me if you don’t
want to know the truth.” Withholding
the truth to protect someone’s feelings is called flattery. Yes, flattery is a form of dishonesty. But we have such beautiful synonyms for this that it doesn’t sound like sin any
more. We call it “buttering them up”, or
“candy-coating the truth”. Doesn’t that
just sound delicious? Oh satan has a way of making it look appealing, but God
still calls it sin.
Another way we fail to be honest is
withholding the full truth. We provide information
that is true, but allow it to be misconceived by the hearer by not giving all
the facts. If you cause them to believe
something that is not true, then you have not been honest. I often think of this when I watch the
American Idol hopefuls and their friends and parents say “I think she has a beautiful voice”, but they fail to say “but she couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket!” How many of these young people could have had
their feelings spared if someone had just been completely honest with
them! If what you feel, and all the
facts, doesn’t come out of your mouth, then you’re withholding the full
truth. There are times when you will
need to tell the full truth, even when it is shocking, hurtful, and grievous. But
what is said in love builds up the other person. What is withheld tears them down, and isn’t love
at all.
Our actions have to be based on truth as
well. Giving a person a hug and a polite
smile when you want to smack their head off isn’t honesty. I’m not suggesting you do smack their head
off by any means! But what I am saying
is that hiding this kind of grudge in your heart is dishonest. You should address those feelings one to one
with the person who has offended you. 1
John 2:9 says “Whoever says he is in the
light and hates his brother is still in darkness.” Romans 12:9 says “Let
love be without hypocrisy.” Pretending
something that isn’t true is dishonesty.
How will the unbeliever watching you feel seeing you give the person
they know you despise a hug, a handshake, or a smile of friendship? You lose creditability because of your
Dishonest dealings can also defame our
character as Christians. I personally
know of a person who claims to be a God-fearing Christian, yet once bought a
car from an elderly lady for $200 that he knew would start once he reconnected
the spark-plug wires. Do I still see
this person as a Christian? Not at all! This act was beyond dishonest, it was also
stealing. Let your dealings be fair,
honest, and such that if you were dealing with Christ himself you would be able
to walk away without guilt.
Another way we are dishonest is not living
up to what we say we will do. This often
happens with those closest to us. If you
tell your children you will do a certain thing, be willing to follow
through. If you tell your spouse you
will take out the trash, follow through.
If you tell your friend you will help them with a chore, follow
through. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t
make it a promise. If you said it, do
it. Let your actions bring value to your
Two of the seven things God hates, which
are listed in Proverbs 6:16-20, deal with dishonesty. They are named as “a lying tongue” and “a false
witness who breathes out lies”. God
HATES dishonesty! Even satan’s nick-name
being “The Father of Lies” shows God’s exacting feelings for it. Colossians 3:9 relates it to the acts of an unsaved
person and says, “Do not lie to one
another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds”. If dishonesty is linked to the “old man”, we
have to let it die with the old man. Being
honest is an integral part of living the Christian life.
Lord, allow your Holy Spirit to quicken us
when we become dishonest, and push us to be a people of integrity in a world
that allows us to be so much less!
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