Jonah: The Clanging Cymbal
the Lord said, “Is it right
for you to be angry?” – Jonah 4:4
Nobody likes being wrong, and Jonah was no
different. God had asked him to go to
Nineveh, and PREACH the message he gave him.
Either God’s message was short, or Jonah simply didn’t want to waste his
time on them. He entered 1/3 of the way
into Nineveh, stopped, and shouted “Yet
forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” After doing so, he walked up to a hillside
outside the east of Nineveh and setup camp.
He waited there “till he might see
what would become of the city”.
He was like a child waiting for the movie to start in the theater.
If Jonah had love in his heart for Nineveh,
he would have continued to preach. He
would have gone through the entire town, reaching out to the 120,000 people
that lived there. But instead, Jonah
just wanted to be right. And when
Nineveh repented, and God spared the town, Jonah was angry! God had told him to prophesy of the
destruction that would come, but after forty days when the city still stood, he
feared that he’d be known as a false prophet.
Of all God’s tender mercies, the story of
Jonah is such a beautiful one. While
Jonah sat there stewing and angry at God, God saw fit to shade him from the desert
sun. He caused a plant to grow to shade
his head. Many think the plant was the “Palma
Christi”, which is where we get castor oil.
It grows quickly, and renders leaves that are as large as a hat. Remember taking that as a child when you were
sick? It tasted terrible, but it did
bring healing. Jonah had been through a
situation that left a bad taste in his mouth too, but brought healing of the
entire city of Nineveh. Yet, he focused
on the taste!
The name of the plant, when interpreted
means “Palm of Christ”. This paints a
beautiful picture of God, palm outstretched over Jonah to shade him. And yet, Jonah remained angry at God. He cried out to God and asked him to take his
life saying in Jonah 4:2-3, “Ah, Lord, was not this what I said when I was still in my country? Therefore I
fled previously to Tarshish; for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in
lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm. Therefore now, O Lord, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!” He WANTED to see Nineveh destroyed. He WANTED to be right – to see his prophesy
come true. Then he could go around to
all the other towns, visit with all the other prophets and say “See, I told you!
I told them! God told me about it before it happened!” Oh, he so wanted to be right that now when
God had spared the 120,000 souls that were there and all their city he just
wanted to die. He wanted it so bad that
he begged God to kill him.
Then God does the unthinkable. God stops protecting his servant from the
sun. He sends a worm to eat the roots of
the plant that shaded him, and it died. Jonah
missed the plant, and grieved for it as it died. And if the absence of shade was not enough,
he also sent an east wind, coming across the hot desert. An eastern wind in this area brings tiny
particles of sand that are heated by the sun and burn and cut the skin as they
hit. Jonah missed the plant, and grieved
for it as it died.
Oh, now Jonah was angry! He was very
frustrated with God! And God said to Jonah “Is
it right for you to be angry about the plant?” And Jonah answered, “It is right for me to be angry, even to
death!” His words are so strong you can hear his anger at God as if he were
shaking a fist at Him! And then God
explains His mercy on Nineveh, and His distaste for Jonah’s whiney attitude. He answers “You
have had pity on the plant for which you have not labored, nor made it grow,
which came up in a night and perished in a night. And should I not
pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty
thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left—and
much livestock?”
God had created Nineveh. The people there were His. The livestock were His. The city was His. All things belong to God. He had mercy on them. They were uneducated about sin, and could not
“discern between their right hand and
their left”. But they had willing
hearts, and wanted to do better, as was proven by their speedy fasting and
wearing sackcloth. Forty says they
fasted, and God saved them because He saw repentant hearts. Yet even after they returned to God, even
while they were fasting and praying day and night, the Prophet Jonah wanted to
see God destroy them.
Jonah followed God’s plans, albeit reluctantly. He did prophesy to Nineveh, but he lacked one
thing for them that could have made an eternal difference: love. The city of Nineveh eventually did revert to
sin, and was destroyed 150 years later by Cyaxares and his allies. Nahum had prophesied of their destruction,
and yet they did not repent. If Jonah
had loved this great city, if he had delivered God’s word to them, teaching
them His ways and His laws, they might have never returned to idolatry and
Jonah reminds me of the “Greater than Thou”
Christian, who will look down his nose at a sinner, and judge the every action
with a Bible verse, proclaim his road to hell, but have no love in his heart. Friends, these are not true Christians. They may be saved, they may attend church
every time the doors are open, but without love, they aren’t following
God. Jesus commanded we love each other
even as he loved us – willing to die to save each other. Without love in your heart, you’re
ineffective. Your actions won’t be the
actions of God, who is love.
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 says “Though I speak
with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become
sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the
gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and
though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I
am NOTHING. And though I bestow all my goods to
feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not
love, it profits me NOTHING.” Without
love, we are NOTHING. All our actions that may be rooted in great gifts from
God of prophesy or word of knowledge or healing mean NOTHING if we don’t
possess them with great love. Jonah cherished
his gifting of prophesy above all – even above the souls that God loved. Yet he failed to understand that the greatest
gift of all is love (1 Corinthian 13:13).
Jonah was a clanging cymbal.
But yet, God had mercy on him and showed
him his heart’s condition, giving him a chance to be gifted with the greatest
gift of all. Obedience to God does have endless
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