The Table
“You prepare a table
before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my
head with oil; My cup runs over.”
– Psalms 23:5
Enemies. It’s a
strong word meaning one who feels hatred toward you, and intends to show
hostility and oppress you. The Bible
talks a lot about our enemies but one of the most interesting verses about them
is in Psalms 23.
The Psalmist, speaking of God’s goodness toward, us says
that He prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies. Think dinner with the President, and you’re
given the best seat while your enemy gets a fold out table in the corner. Think Olympic platform, and you win the gold
while your enemy doesn’t place. Think
promotion from the department you work in, while those that hate you stay in
their current positions. God prepares a
table for you – and your enemy just gets to watch.
God prepares those tables every day and yet, we can’t seem
to walk away from the fact that these are our enemies. We live bitter with past hurts in our
hearts. We talk about it more than we
pray about it. When we do pray about it,
we pray against them instead of for them, and ask God to get vengeance. And with every day that passes, the grudge in
our heart grows so heavy that it soon takes over all the love we had to give.
An enemy, as I was recently told by my pastor, is put on
this earth to bring us trials so we get stronger. An enemy is like a catalyst to our Christian
Take the life of Joseph which is told in Genesis, Chapters 30-45. He was just seventeen years old, the youngest
child, and despised by his brothers. His
brothers (enemy one) sold him into slavery.
But God had Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officers, to purchase him. He was trusted, and put over the entire house
of Potiphar (table one). Then Potiphar’s
wife (enemy two) decides to accuse Joseph of rape, and at thirty years old he
is thrown into prison. But even in prison, God was with him and allowed him to
find favor in the prison guard’s sight and the guard put Joseph, a prisoner, in
charge (table two).
Then Pharaoh has a dream and needs an interpreter. His butler knew Joseph and told Pharaoh about
how he once interpreted a dream for him. Pharaoh had Joseph brought before him
to interpret his dream. The dream was
about seven years of famine that were coming, and at the interpretation of the
dream, Joseph had a hand in saving Egypt from the famine as they had time to
plan for it. Pharaoh honored Joseph by
making him second in charge of the entire nation of Egypt (table three).
“But wait!” you
say. “Where
was enemy three?” That’s the
point. When we are faithful to God, the
scales don’t have to balance. His
blessings are always more than your hurts.
His brothers, the very ones that sold him into slavery, arrive later and
ask for food because God has brought them to famine as well. They end up sitting at a real physical table
eating with Joseph – a table God prepared.
And when Joseph reveals to them who he really is, God restored his
relationships with his brothers, and his father.
Many times in the story of Joseph, we are told that “God was
with Joseph”. Understanding that God is
at work in you when you encounter an enemy frees you from the hatred and
bitterness that can enter into your heart and cause that callous of grudge to
build like a wall around it.
God is very clear on what He expects of us when we encounter
an enemy. Matthew 5:44-45 says “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who
hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you”.
God doesn’t say go tell all your friends
how you’ve been wronged.
God doesn’t say form a small army of your
friends to hate your enemy with you.
God doesn’t say ruin the reputation of
the enemy, who was clearly in the wrong.
God doesn’t say find a way to get even.
God doesn’t say live in the past and don’t
forget how they wronged you.
Love them. Bless them. Do good things for them. Pray for them. Surely if you do these things to an enemy,
God must be with you. When faced with an
enemy, would it not be better to have God on your side than the friends you
could rally? Would it not be better to
know He is pleased, and is preparing your table in their presence?
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