The Dearest Friend I Ever Had
We often talk about the joy of salvation
while still living in this world, and the fact that it’s not just about getting
a ‘ticket to heaven’. It can be hard to
explain what that joy is all about. It’s
like trying to describe a rain drop in the middle of a torrential rain! Where to do you begin? I believe we have to begin with Jesus.
Throughout my years on this earth I’ve had
many friends, and I thank God for each and every one. Friendship brings flavor to an otherwise doldrums
life. A friend gives you someone to talk
over your thoughts with, to laugh with, to cry with, and to simply pass the
time of life with.
But friends of this life come and go. Through job changes I’ve lost touch with many
dear people. I worked many years as a
consultant and would spend stints from a few weeks to many months working with
a group of people only to have to move on to another company’s tasks and leave
them all behind. I’ve had friends in
church that were closer than family. But
when either they or I were lead to another worship center, over time, I lost
their friendship.
Earthly friends can turn on you too. I’ve made my share of mistakes and hurt
people I loved who never loved me the same thereafter. People aren’t always forgiving of your
mistakes, or can forgive you but never want to be that close to you again.
There are different levels of friends
too. I have a few friends I will share
my deepest, darkest secrets with, and there are others that I’ve learned to
limit what I share.
And there are those friends that keep me
around only for what I can do for them.
It’s obvious in when they call.
They call when they have a problem, a need, or when it’s convenient for
But this is just how people are. We all are sometimes unloyal, self-seeking,
here today and gone tomorrow. These are
all still my friends, and I love them and value our friendships. But then there is that best friend, the one
who never leaves my side, is always forgiving, is always there for me to cry
to, shows me things to laugh about, and loves me.
Jesus has been my dearest friend since the
age of 8 ½, even though it took me many, many years to realize it. You don’t understand salvation and the many
gifts it brings when you get it. That’s
revealed over time. So let me tell you
about my dearest friend, and our friendship.
This is the joy of salvation.
Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the
same yesterday, today, and forever”.
He is the unchangeable friend. He
doesn’t want to be my friend today, but tomorrow find someone else of greater
popularity to befriend. Even when being
my friend isn’t popular – He is there.
He never changes. He continues to
be holy, loyal, loving, wise, and powerful.
I’ve lost many friends because I failed to
keep up the relationship when the tasks of day to day life took my time. Proverbs 18:24 says “A man who has friends
must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Friendship has to be
worked, and earned. Sometimes life
happens, and that gets to be more than you can fit into your schedule. Even a brother, who doesn’t give up on you so
easily, may eventually forget to call you to check on you. But Jesus is CLOSER than a brother. I don’t have to work to be sure we stay in
touch. In Joshua 1:5 He promises “I will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Jesus doesn’t hold my mistakes against
me. I know they hurt Him, and yet He
sees them and loves me in spite of myself.
He is forgiving. In 1 John 1:9
says “If we confess our sins, He is
faithful and just to forgive us our
sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” All my sins, past,
present, and future, were forgiven and covered in His righteousness on January
15, 1971, the day I believed in Him for my salvation. He doesn’t hold my mistakes against me. He simply nudges me an encourages me through
His Spirit to do better. There is no
condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1), only love.
I can give Him my deepest secrets, my worries, my doubts, and know that they are safe with Him. He’s not going to plaster it on a billboard, or gossip it to others. He can be trusted. He tells me in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” He gives true rest, true comfort, from the pains and worries of life.
I can give Him my deepest secrets, my worries, my doubts, and know that they are safe with Him. He’s not going to plaster it on a billboard, or gossip it to others. He can be trusted. He tells me in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” He gives true rest, true comfort, from the pains and worries of life.
Some will say, “How
can you be friends with someone you cannot see?” and that is a good question. But there are two ways in which things are seen. First there is the usual way – with your
eyes. But then there are things you don’t
see with your eyes, but you see by their effect on the things you can see, like
the wind. I don’t see the wind, but I
see it blow the trees and shake the leaves.
I don’t see the breeze, but I can feel it on my face. I don’t have to see Jesus with my eyes to
know He is there.
In my life, I’ve seen His presence in the answered prayers,
the storms He has calmed, and times when He simply let me lean on Him and I
found His strength when I was too weak to face life. I’ve felt His presence in times when I was
overcome with fear to the point of not being able to speak. I’ve known Him to be there when times were so
good that my heart felt as if it would pop like a balloon filled with love! He is there – always – through the greatest
gift I’ve ever received, which is His Spirit in me.
On January 15, 1971 He entered my heart, placed his Holy
Spirit in me, and became my best friend.
I’m happy to share my best friend with you. Ask Him to enter your heart and be your best
friend too. He is the joy of salvation.
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